Monday, August 01, 2005

In the Cabana

I was about 13 or 14 when I was given a very thorough spanking in one of those beach cabanas. I was SO MORTIFIED. It was a communal one that people used to change in. Not very big but it had a couple of old wooden benches inside. I had been sunbathing and swimming most of the day and then sort of "got into it" with my mom over not watching my little brother. I remember mouthing off about how it "wasn't my job to watch him" (Not the best response on my part!) Well...... the next thing I knew, she stood up, grabbed her bag and my little brother and then told me to get up, get my clothes and go change in the cabana. I sulked because I thought we were leaving and I was going to be lectured all the way home but I also knew by the tone in her voice it wasn't going to do me any good to argue.

I picked up my stuff and walked into the cabana and started to change. Suddenly she barged in and told me she had had entirely enough of my smart mouth and was "OVER" being talked to that way. I said I was sorry thinking it would appease her but she was really wound up. She sat my brother one one the benches and told him not to move or her would get exactly what I was going to get. She rummaged through her back and pulled out a hairbrush. I immediately got that awful feeling in the pit of your stomach because I had only been spanked a couple of times in my life, but they were bare bottomed and really really hard and I never EVER would have imagined she would do it with other people nearby. She told me to pull down my bathing suit bottoms and bend over her lap. I was in shock and just stood there. I didn't think she would go through with it but I guess I was just making her angrier and angrier. She said "I am only going to tell you ONE MORE TIME!! TAKE THE BOTTOMS OFF AND GET OVER HERE!" Well, knowing what her spankings were like and knowing that I didn't want anyone to know... I started blubbering right there; pleading and begging to be let off and promising she could spank me all she wanted when we got home. I am a MAJOR "baby" when I know I am really going to get it. I think all the crying and whimpering just fueled her resolve. The next thing I knew I was face down across her lap and she was yanking down my suit bottoms and whaling away with the hairbrush. My suit was still wet which meant my behind was REALLY sensitive and as soon as the first few spanks landed I was wailing. I mean WAILING. I have an ear piercing wail and as embarrassed as I was, I was way more concerned about how much it stung. I kept begging for her to stop and promising not to do it again, but when she started spanking it never seemed to matter. She would stop when she was good and ready to. I must have said "Mommy .... PLEAAAAASEEE...Not HERE" about a hundred times. I tried so hard to protect myself with my hands but she just kept on spanking and moving my hands out of the way. It seemed like forever before she stopped and then when she did all I could do was bawl like a baby. She told me to get up and finish changing and then meet her at the car.

It took me about 10 minutes to stop crying and calm down. I was so grateful that no one walked into the cabana during that time, but I also knew everyone had heard me get totally spanked for miles around. I was so mortified when I walked out that I couldn't take my eyes off the ground. I could feel everyone staring and I heard a few whispers and started to well up all over again. When I got to the car, Mom was a bit calmer and said "I am sorry I had to do that, but sometimes talking just doesn't get through to you..... I expect you will remember this lesson for a very long time."

No joke.

To this day I cannot see a cabana w/o blushing.


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